Unleash your company's potential

Stop wasting resources for administering your company!
Start focusing on your business now!

The concept

The self-administering company describes a conceptual company where all administrative tasks are automated. The employees focus completely on the services and products of the company.

This concept is based on the hypothesis that administration and bureaucracy waste resources and impede a successful and enduring business

Towards the self administering company

Process Clean Up

Clean up and redesign processes

Which processes focus on your business and which ones on administration? Get rid of dysfunctional processes and those ones which are not crucial for your business. 
Use industry standards to be able to use standard software.

Automate Process

Automate administration processes

Store the cleaned up processes in a machine readable format (e.g. BPMN). Use those processes to automate as much as possible. Ideally a process can be automated completely. 

Policy Clean Up

Clean up policies

Review all internal policies and only keep the ones which are really necessary (e.g. regulatory requirements). Ensure policies do not interfere with each other.  

Comply by Design

Comply by design

Embed policies into systems and workflows, so that the employee is guided through complying with them. Avoid redundant efforts and reuse input whenever possible. 

How can software support?

There are several technologies/concepts that can support you in automating processes.


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Use RPA to automate repetitive tasks. RPA can carry out cross-system processes without human intervention.

Articial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Large Language Models (LLMs) enable numerous process enhancements, e.g. quick access to relevant policies or guidelines, generating basic templates.

Central Data Plattform

Central Data Platforms

All company data needs to be available centrally via standardized APIs, to be consumed by AI or other services.


Workflow Systems

Workflow Systems can guide the employee through complying with regulations or important policies.


Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts automate the fullfillment of contractual obligations with minimal human intervention.


Standard Software

By using standardized administration processes you can buy software from the shelf. This software is the foundation for automating the administration.

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